Thursday, November 23, 2023
MOROCCO REPORT--Earthquake, Marrakech--SEPTEMBER 2023
#Morocco Cultural Relativism Research 09/12/23/000PDT: "French media class,..'enlightened analysts' ...smug NGO bosses, ...strut around TV and radio, spouting nonsense, clichés the shame of most obtuse colonialist minds," rf: Marrakech #earthquake
#Morocco Ethnomedicine Research 09/11/23/1030PDT: "King Mohammed VI arrived in Paris on September 1, ...he owns a mansion on the Champ de Mars at the foot of the Eiffel Tower." (Raphaëlle Bacqué) rf: Marrakech
#Morocco Ethnomedicine Research 09/11/23/1030PDT: "Macron’s offer has yet to be answered, even though Morocco’s King Mohammed VI was in France when the quake struck" (Catherine Colonna) rf/2: #earthquakle Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedicine Research 09/10/23/2020PDT: "Rabat wants to show it is sovereign, ...piloting its own search and rescue, ...not behave ... a poor wounded country that the whole world wants to charitably save.” (Sylvie Brunel) #earthquake Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1830: "Switzerland ... temporary shelters, water treatment and distribution equipment, sanitation facilities and hygiene kits. Belgium .. medical teams and field hospitals." rf: #earthquake Marrakech
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1810PDT "The teams are made up of fifty staff members and officers of the special unit, six doctors and four search dogs. Advanced life detector devices and drones wil be used." rf: Marrakech #earthquake
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1800PDT: "Chinese medical personnel in the country were among the first to go to the rescue, braving the aftershocks and operating on a number of critically ill patients" rf: Marrakech #earthquake.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1800PDT: " So far, it has accepted help from four countries: Spain, Qatar, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates." #earthquake, Marrakech, North Africa.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1550PDT: "talabat will also donate QR1 to aid the victims of the earthquake for every order made from the selected Arabic cuisine restaurants on the 'Support Morocco' section." #earthquake Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1345PDT: "Comprehensive aid package, ... essential food supplies and urgent healthcare assistance, to address... dearth of healthcare supplies in Moroccan hospitals," (Dr. I. Al-Saleh) rf: Marrakech #earthquake.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/.1530PDT: "Foundation has worked in close collaboration with various government ministries, including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Social Protection," c/rf: Marrakech #earthquake.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/1500PDT: "Dr. Al-Rabeeah-- Saudi search and rescue team from the General Directorate of Civil Defense and teams from the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, led by the KSRelief, will be dispatched" #earthquake, Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1330PDT: “We have two mobile hospitals ready to be moved to where they are needed most, 500 NHS staff plus 500 more highly trained medics ready to go.” (Wightwick, UK-Med) rf: Marrakech, #earthquake, N. Africa.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Research 09/10/23/1315PDT: "Intervention units, planes, helicopters, drones, engineering equipment and logistics centers have also been deployed." rf: #earthquake, Marrakech, N. Africa
#Morocco Ethnomedical Log 09/10/23/10PDT: "In each of the worst-affected regions, ..a medical regulator to act as a professor of resuscitation, ...we transfer the injured according to the severity of their injuries" (Ait Taleb) rf: Marrakech #earthquake
#Morocco Ethnomedical 09/10/23/10PDT: "each region has a substantial fleet of ambulances estimated at 100 vehicles... fully equipped medical vehicles." "transfer wounded, according to level of severity and the injuries..." rf: Marrakech #earthquake
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/1100PDT: "uncoordinated aid would be counterproductive. It was therefore decided that 'the best aid is not massive aid The best aid is useful, effective and well-coordinated aid'. " rf: Marrakech #earthquake.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/1045PDT: "deployed significant human and logistical air and land resources, ...specialized intervention modules based on search and rescue teams and a medical-surgical field hospital," rf #earthquake, Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/1045PDT: "King Mohammed VI ordered as soon as the earthquake was registered and the serious damages suffered, the deployment of all the human and material means, terrestrial and aerial," rf: #earthquake, Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/1045PDT: "Moroccan authorities know exactly what can be delivered, the nature (of what can be delivered) and the timing..." (Macron, Devdiscourse). Rabat unresponsive. rf: #earthquake, Marrakech, North Africa.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/1030PDT: In 20 paragraphs, this article says absolutely nothing about "Team Rubicon" mentioned in the headlines, save two token sentences at the end. rf: #earthquake, Marrakech, North Africa.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/1010PDT: "The team comprises four specialized rescue, support, and search responders, one nurse, and one search specialist with his dog." Federal response appears slow, confused. rf: #earthquake Marrakech
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 09/10/23/0630PDT: "Where is the government? There is no one here," "authorities were more busy directing traffic than removing debris" rf: Marrakech #earthquake
#Morocco Ethnomedical Journal 0l9/10/23/0600PDT: "An A400 military plane takes off from a base in the northeastern city of Zaragoza"--"has yet to approve any humanitarian aid offers from Israel, the US or France." c/rf: #earthquake Marrakech
#Morocco Ethnomedical Log 09/10/23/0600PDT: "Survivors ... struggled to find food and water on Sunday,""No food. No water. We lost also electricity," "Makeshift tents had been erected on a dirt soccer pitch," rf: #earthquake vic. Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Log 09/09/23/1900PDT: #earthquake w/rf integrated seismo system: fwd: #G20Dinner ; attention, chef exécutif de la fête des nations riches. rf. Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Log 09/09/23/: The USAF also has agreement (AFTAC, recent 2022) w/rf to sophisticated #earthquake detection in the North African nation. (page 44, the 2021 CNRST summary) So what went wrong at Marrakech? fwd: #G20 au menu du dîner.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Log 09/09/23/1630PDT: The CNRST #earthquake preparedness report in its 2021 Rapports d'activités: (page 49); photos of seismic blockhouses: National Network Seismic Alert and Monitoring (RESAS) fwd: Chef exécutif du #G20
#Morocco Ethnomedical Log 09/09/23/1615PDT: Moroccan National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST); website, where UNESCO provided seven early warning #earthquake units. Operational status unknown. rf: Marrakech & #G20 hôte du dîner.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Log 09/09/23/1600PDT: Review of seismic preparedness-warning system of the North African nation that experienced major #earthquake Friday, suffering staggering losses. UNESCO system reviewed, 2021. fwd: #G20 dinner table, New Delhi.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Report 09/09/23/1430PDT: AP notes/bulletins ongoing global response to Marrakech vicinity major, unprecedented #earthquake, N. Africa. Aftershocks appear to have rattled the dinner table, rich nations' #G20 bash, New Delhi.
#Morocco Ethnomedical 09/09/23/1430: "Allies said they had rescue teams on standby to deploy, but needed the go-ahead," (Louisa Loveluck, WaPo) "condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation." That makes zero sense. #earthquake Marrakech.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Report 09/09/23/1400PDT: "Before donating, do some research to verify that the organization is reputable." (Gaya Gupta, NY Times) rf: #earthquake, Marrakech. à l'attention de : G20, New Delhi, oubliez le dîner, il y a du travail !!
#Morocco Ethnomedical Alert 09/09/23/1400PDT: Heightened possibility of various endemic diseases, following #earthquake, epicenter vic. Marrakech: Malaria, typhoid & yellow fever.
#Morocco Ethnomedical Report 09/09/23/1330PDT: "dispatching a delegation to Morocco that will include doctors and nurses, along with the provision of medical equipment." (Times of Israel) rf/2: #earthquake, Marrakech. attn: #G20, responde sil vous plait!
Séisme de Marrakech 09/09/23/1200PDT: Mille vies perdues, Associated Press qualifie la perte d'une vieille relique en ruine d'importante ; La mentalité de l’agenda des médias occidentaux exposée. c/rf: #earthquake & #Morocco. attn: G20, New Delhi!
Marrakech Relief 23/09/23/1000PDT : « a exprimé sa tristesse face aux pertes de vies humaines lors du séisme de magnitude 6,8 au Maroc. « Oubliez les condoléances, envoyez une aide immédiate ! rf: #Morocco et #earthquake. attn: US President Joe Biden
Marrakech 09/09/23/1000PDT: Suite au tremblement de terre survenu ce jour à 23h11, l’ambassade de France à ouvert une cellule de crise. Cette cellule est joignable au +212 537689900 rf: #earthquake, #Morocco, fwd: US President Joe Biden
Secours au Maroc 23/09/09/1000PDT : C-130 de l'Armée de l'Air Marocaine, approche finale à l'aéroport de Marrakech. c/rf: #earthquake, #Morocco
Relevo de Marruecos 23/09/23/1000PDT:: El ministro afirmó que la Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME) de España, así como sus agencias de ayuda y su embajada, están a "completa disposición de Marruecos. c/rf:
Secours de Marrakech 23/09/09/0945PDT : Président Macron : "La France se tient d’ores et déjà prête à mobiliser les moyens nécessaires pour répondre" rf: #earthquake en #Morocco. G20, New Delhi, préoccupés par la guerre de brousse en Europe de l’Est.
Secours de Marrakech 23/09/0930 PDT : Reuters rapporte la liste des nations, la France, les États-Unis, l'Algérie, etc., qui ont apporté leur soutien aux victimes du tremblement de terre, et le nombre de victimes augmente. rf: #earthquake en #Morocco
Marrakech sur le radar 23/09/09/0930PDT : C-130 de la Royal Marocco Air Force dépêché dans la zone sismique, lien Flight Radar : rf: #earthquake en #Morocco
Marrakech #seisme 23/09/09/0800PDT : La Chine offre une assistance aux victimes du tremblement de terre, Maroc ; Le sommet du G20 à New Delhi a été marqué par un désaccord sur la guerre en Europe de l'Est. rf: #earthquake Marruecos,huge%20casualties%20and%20property%20loss.
Rapport du G20 23/09/09/0400PDT : L'Inde, ancien laquais colonial, se promeut dans le club des nations riches, envoie une fusée sur la lune, "condoléances" au #Maroc suite au #séisme meurtrier, nation de l'UA du Sud. rf: Marruecos
Marrakech tremble le 9 septembre 2023, 07 h 41 PDT : L'#OTAN myope néglige l'importance stratégique du Maroc en tant que porte d'entrée vers la Méditerranée et ignore la nation africaine en cas de besoin suite au tremblement de terre. rf:#earthquake
Hotspot de Marrakech 23/09/09/0700PDT : La France doit montrer son engagement envers l'Afrique par des efforts de secours, le Maroc, suite au tremblement de terre, et un retrait embarrassant du Mali et du Niger. rf: #earthquake in #Morocco
Marrakech Report 09/09/23/0630PDT: Associated Press three paragraphs, ten sentences, on #earthquake in North Africa, #Morocco, no visible indication of outside relief effort; G20 rich nations discuss East European backwater bush war on agenda.
G20 Hot Balloon Report 09/09/23/0400PDT: India, former Global North colonial lackey, promotes itself into rich nations club, sends rocket to moon, "condolences" to #Morocco following killer #earthquake, Global South AU nation. rf: Marruecos
Marrakech #earthquake 09/09/23/0400PDT: G20 deflects from crumbling of #Morocco city, hypes African Union, and "to discuss ways to ease burdens on poorer nations;" empty rhetoric from rich Global North actors on world stage. "Praying for Morocco."
Marrakech #Earthquake 09/09/23/0345PDT: Non-#NATO nation, poor Global South #Morocco, ignored at G20, New Delhi; leaders attempt to solve world problems in two days; shameful display of rich Global North agenda; empty "condolence" rhetoric; rf: Marruecos.
Marrakech #earthquake 09/09/23/0330PDT: "G20 leaders are expected to coordinate policy on food security, vulnerable countries’ debt problems and climate action." (Al Jazeera) Meantime, #Morocco, poor Global South nation, gets "heartfelt condolences."
Marrakech On the Seismo 09/09/23/0400PDT: World leaders congratulate themselves over African Union acceptance into Global North rich nations G20 club, as #Morocco, poor Global South Arab nation, crumbles from deadly #earthquake. rf: Marruecos.
Marrakech On the Seismo 09/09/23/0330PDT: A lot of "heartfelt condolences" for major #earthquake disaster, N. African Arab #Morocco, little or no relief forthcoming; not the Global North where Hurricane Lee is all the rage.
Marrakech On the Radar 09/09/23/0330PDT: Historic North African Arab city, #Morocco, near-epicenter of deadly #earthquake, shows little sign of inbound assistance relief from real disaster, opposed to overplayed perceived threat, Hurricane Lee.
09/08/23/2100PDT: tremblement de terre au maroc, rapporté dans les journaux français; #earthquake in #Morocco--
09/08/23/2030PDT: tremblement de terre au maroc dans l'actualité française #earthquake: seismo #Morocco
#Morocco Seismo 09/09/23/2020PDT: #earthquake, North Africa, late reports in Arabic.
#Morocco Seismo 09/09/23/0000PDT: Hespress English, several reports direct from epicenter, #earthquake, North Africa.
#Morocco On the Seismograph 09/08/23/2020PDT: Reuters latest report on the major #earthquake in North Africa.
#Morocco Realtime 09/08/23/2005PDT: #earthquake, vic. Rabat, Marrakech, UC Berkeley Seismo Lab rpt:
#Morocco on the Seismograph 09/08/23/2000PDT: USGS map, #earthquake, North Africa, Rabat et..,349.65088&extent=32.3846,355.39673&listOnlyShown=true
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